Saturday, March 10, 2007

You're Not in the Business You Think You're In

What does your business do?

Do you offer professional services such as accounting?

Do you have a house cleaning business?

Are you in network marketing?

Believe it or not, you are not in any of those businesses.

You are in the business of solving problems.

Too often, we lose sight of this fact. People don't want products and services. They want solutions to their problems. They don't want an accountant, they want their books done properly. They don't want a cleaning service, they want a clean house. People don't want to join a network marketing company, they want a better lifestlye.

So next time you offer your goods or services, don't try to sell them something. Find out what problems they have that you can solve.

Now you might say, that's obvious or that doesn't apply to me. For example, if you might say, "I clean houses, pure and simple."

But there is much more to a cleaning service than cleaning the carpets and the bathrooms. People want someone they can trust in their home, who won't steal or break things, or invade their privacy. They want someone who will show up when they say they will. They want someone that will do a good job at a fair price.

When you talk to a prospect for your cleaning business, don't just quote them a price per room. Find out what is important to the customer. It's not always price. Ask them what they want in a cleaning service, what their concerns are.

Then show them how you can solve those issues (problems) for them.

If you decide that you are in the problem-solving business, you're business will grow faster and last longer. And you will prosper.

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